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Client Testimonials

Lancaster Electric Testimonial

"We have been using Prodata for Lancaster Electric’s computer needs since 2008, Bill and his crew are always expedient in getting to the job and getting it fixed fast."

Gary Lancaster - Lancaster Electric Company, LLC

Wilmington, NC

"Here at Dockside we operate one of the highest volume restaurants on the North Carolina coast. In order for us to be able to keep up with the demands of our business in the most efficient way possible, it is imperative that our front- and back-of-the-house computer networks function at an optimum level at all times. Since partnering with ProData Computer Systems in 2006, we have been consistently impressed with both their accessibility and their amazing customer service. We have come to depend on their knowledge and insight as integral parts of our day-to-day operation. When the inevitable problem does arise, we know we can count on our ProData technicians to have us back up and running in no time. We have experienced nothing short of pure satisfaction in our relationship with ProData Computer Systems, and we look forward to working with them for many years to come."

The Dockside Restaurant & Bar

Wilmington, NC

Lancaster Electric Testimonial

"As a busy sales rep and Director of sales for a small software sales company out of Atlanta, I need fast, reliable and cost effective computer support and service here in Wilmington. Working out of a remote office does not provide the immediate IT help that I need. I had tried several computer firms in Wilmington over the past 12 years until I found Pro Data Computer Systems 4 years ago. Working with the owner Bill, and the Office Manager Kari Alexander, has been very much like having my own personal IT department. Whether it's ordering a new laptop for personal use, or dropping my work laptop by for service or to remove the latest virus that has infected my system, Kari and the tech team at Pro Data take excellent care of me. The prices are very competitive and in most cases less than others I've used, the customer 'care' is excellent, and I never have to wait more than a few hours or a day or two to get my issues resolved.

Pro Data Computers truly lives up to their Company Motto: Integrity... Reliability... Security... since 1995. In fact, the Director of IT at the company I work with gave me the approval to work with Pro Data only after they met with his approval and his standards. Give Bill, Kari and the team at Pro Data a try; you won't be disappointed!"

Mark Rohlfing - Residential Homeowner

Wilmington, NC

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